SDG Partnerships
SDG Partnerships
To establish partnerships between German higher education institutions and higher education institutions in developing and emerging countries for sustainable promotion of structures at partner institutions in teaching and research.
Areas of Research Project
Open for all fields
3-5 Years
Grant Amount
Graduate, PhD Scholars, Faculty/Academicians, PostGraduate, Administrative staff
German Organisation
Funding organisation 1

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
https://German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Eligibility institution/Person*
German higher education institutions, university hospitals and non-university research facilities
What can be funded
• Development and revision of study/teaching materials that are relevant to
project implementation
• Organisation of events
• Organisation of further and advanced training measures
• Project-related stays (research, specialist course/workshop, internship,
studies, teaching)
• Realisation of target-group oriented public relations work
• Implementation of research related to the SDGs